Posts tagged "After Effects"

BRAW Studio Version 3 Upgrade
Learn about the new features of BRAW Studio V3 and the upgrading process

Fast Color Correct with the BRAW Studio White Balance Picker
Indicate the white/grey part in your BRAW image to set automatically Color Temperature and Tint accordingly !

BRAW Studio is Now FREE !
The basic importing features of BRAW Studio are now free ! Discover here what it means in practice for your workflow and your coworkers

CinemaDNG (Compressed from Blackmagic cameras) : How to Import natively into Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Media Encoder
In this article you'll learn how to import natively into Adobe (PrPro, AME, AEfx) Blackmagic's variant of Adobe CinemaDNG .DNG image sequence files, without any extra step of conversion

How to License Influx and decode after 3 minutes
In this article you'll learn how to access the Settings and License popup of Influx in order to license it and remove the trial limitations of 3 minutes !

How to report a bug in Influx
When using Influx, in case you have trouble with the plugin, you should send us some logs so we can give you assistance and fix a potential bug in our plugin. Here's how to do it.

MLV Magic Lantern : How to Import natively into Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Media Encoder
In this article you'll learn how to import natively into Adobe (PrPro, AME, AEfx) Magic Lantern's .MLV RAW audiovideo files, without any extra step of conversion

Vizual PixelPerfect : Upscale your Pixel Art with Nearest Neighbors in Premiere Pro for FREE !
Discover our new pack of filters for Adobe CC that brings you FREE pixel art upscaling algorithms for Premiere Pro and After Effects

Introduction to Autokroma Influx (All-in-one Importer for Adobe Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and After Effects)
Try out our V1 of Influx native importer plugin for Adobe CC video software !

BETA for AfterCodecs V2 (Exporter for Adobe Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and After Effects)
Try out our latest BETA for the second upcoming version of AfterCodecs, new features to test !

BRAW Studio YouTube short tutorials series
Watch our latest short video tutorials to understand all BRAW Studio features

Blackmagic RAW 1.7 Bug : no thumbnails and file access issues (Fixed)
More information about the bug in Blackmagic RAW API 1.7 on Windows that might affect you on Windows

BETA for URSA 12K .BRAW & Color Science V5, BMPCC6K Pro (Import in Premiere Pro and After Effects)
Try out our latest BETA implementing BRAW API 2.0 BETA, to import URSA Mini Pro 12K files, BMPCC 6K Pro and test BMD Color Science V5 into Adobe video apps !

The Fastest Way to Export H.264 for YouTube from Adobe Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and After Effects
Full tutorial on the fastest way to export H.264 to Youtube in Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and After Effects using our plugin, AfterCodecs

How to Export H264 in 8K from Adobe Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and After Effects
Full tutorial on how to export H.264 8K in Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and After Effects using our plugin, AfterCodecs

How to Export H264 in .MOV QuickTime from Adobe Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and After Effects
Full tutorial on how to export H.264 MOV in Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and After Effects using our plugin, AfterCodecs

The Best Way to Export HAP Codecs from After Effects
Full tutorial to export Hap / Hap Q from your Render Queue and explanation of AfterCodecs benefits and features

BRAW Studio for After Effects is available now
Learn the basics of color grading Blackmagic RAW (.braw) in After Effects !

Batch Export Multiple Clips from the same Sequence in Premiere Pro and After Effects
Tired of exporting parts of your timeline in multiple clips from Premiere Pro and After Effects, having to set up output settings one by one ? Here's the solution for you.

QuickTime Is Dead : How To Export HAP from Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro & Media Encoder?
Adobe finally dropped support for Quicktime but we have a working solution for exporting HAP codecs!

AfterCodecs 1.2.2 : H264 720p in AE for FREE !
Here's how to export, directly from After Effects, H.264 720p in a fast and efficient way for free !

After Effects : QuickTime ProRes Export on Windows Tutorial
In this post I'll show you how to export QuickTime ProRes on Windows directly from the After Effects render queue !