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PlumePack - v2.4.3
- Main PlumePack Features and Improvements:
- MXF Trimming now keep informative metadata about Color Space, Color TRC and Color Primaries from the original file - Those metadata were only informative and not used to decode the file in another way
- Fixed in PlumePack Process:
- Hidden Error: Color Range Shift (from Limited To Full Range) could happen while trimming MXF files and it was not detected by PlumePack. Now MXF AVC All-Intra Files will not be remuxed to MOV anymore (so trimmed files will be MXF) and will not be affected anymore by Color Range issues. MXF AVC Not Intra (Long GOP) still need to be remuxed to MOV to avoid Frame Ordering Issue. Among them, those with a "Limited" Color range will not be trimmed because they would be Color Shifted, and will be copied instead. You can force those files to be trimmed by setting the advances Trim option : "Trim if Color Range Shift Issues"
- Hidden Error: In case of "Hold Frame" used on a trimmed clip, if the Hold Frame Option type was different than "Sequence Framerate" there could be issues of Black Hold Frame and visible stripes on clip
- Hidden Error: In case a still image was imported with a given "Indeterminate Media Timebase" Premiere Pro option (in Preferences) and that the option was then changed by the user, the still image had stripes on its Timeline Clip and appeared as offline in the rendered image
- Explicit Error: Markers on Project Items could disappear after replacement and an error was reported. It was happening only from Premiere Pro 25.1
- Explicit Error: When using Markers on footages with framerate adapted with Interpret Footage, the resulting project could be reported as corrupted and impossible to open
- Explicit Error: In case of big projects, some conflicts could happen with internal item IDs, and an error was reported