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PlumePack - v2.1.2
- Main PlumePack New Features and improvements:
- An estimated size is given for each trimmed part of a media after the Analysis and the final size is given at the end of the process in "Detailed Analysis Info" section
- BRAW SDK Version updated to 2.8 - Adding Trimming Support for Fujifilm XH2s, Fujifilm X-H2, ZCam E2, E2-M4, E2-S6, and E2-F6 BRAW clips captured by Blackmagic Video Assist
- Improved final report by mentioning that an AE Comp dependency has not been copied because not found on disk
- Fixed in PlumePack Process:
- Explicit Error: In some rare case with After Effect Composition.
- Explicit Error: Raise limitation for Image Sequence to 100 000 images instead of 1 000
- Explicit Error: Fix error in Analysis for some projects
- Explicit Error: Support Captions Preset File
- Explicit Error: Error with cut Timeline Clips options with Linked Project Items
- Explicit Error: In rare case when using Remix Clip with Audio Original Project Item removed