BRAW Studio
BRAW Studio Blackmagic RAW Importer for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)

BRAW Studio - v2.2.3
- PrPro Panel New Features :
- Toolbox Convert BMD : now supports mixed plugins projects. Use with caution ! The best is that you do not mix plugins and follow official instructions
- ToolBox PrPro 2020 Shift : new method to correct your project in one click ! You don't need to relocate manually all your files anymore. Please send us your feedback if it works for you ! As always you need to use a .prproj BEFORE you notice the Shift. /!\ WARNING : When upgrading from BRAW Studio < 2.2.0 to BRAW Studio >= 2.2.0 you could get your .BRAW offline. When relinking them you could get the PrPro 2020 Shift, if that's the case DO NOT save your project shifted, and apply this automatic method to the project saved with BRAW Studio < 2.2.0
- The first .BRAW selection is a bit longer because of the initialization. There is now a feedback text to inform this init process is running
- PrPro Panel Fixes :
- Wrong multiple selection, for example when the selection was happening during another event
- Bad Source Settings values displayed if the panel was not selected when clicking on buttons (Loading Preset / Reset to Camera Metadata etc.)
- Toolbox Timecode Correction of Dropped Frame 29.97 fps BRAW footage in Premiere Pro after 14.3 version fixed