BRAW Studio
BRAW Studio Blackmagic RAW Importer for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)

BRAW Studio - v2.0.0
- New Feature, Source Settings Panel in Premiere Pro :
- You can now control Source Settings of your .BRAW clips directly in your BRAW Studio Panel with a dedicated interface : no need to switch onto the Master tab anymore
- The Source Settings currently showed are updated when you select a .BRAW Project Item (in the Project Panel) or a .BRAW Clip (on a timeline)
- Multiple Selection Mode when you select multiple braw : you can batch apply Global Presets to all selected .BRAW, Save or Load sidecar and use the "Reset" buttons
- "Next" and "Prev" buttons can be used to move from BRAW to BRAW throughout the timeline (next .BRAW will be the one closest in time to currently selected .BRAW)
- You'll get a warning if you select a .BRAW clip with a Proxy attached and enabled
- New Feature, Auto Correct Tool for "PrPro 2020 Relocating Shift Issue" in our Panel :
- This issue is happening when files needs to be relocated and others files than .BRAW can be concerned, more info here
- We now have a new way to auto-correct your .prproj (Premiere Pro project file) directly, by relocating the files inside (any extension)
- This new tool is in the "Shift Issues" tab of the BRAW Studio Panel, you will find there instructions to use it
- Presets and Copy/Paste : when pasting Source Settings (or loading Premiere Pro presets), if "As Shot" was selected in the initial clip, it will be applied to the pasted clip, even if the White Balance values are not the same
- When switching to Camera Metadata or BRAW Default, the disabled values in the Effect Controls Panel in this mode are no more updated. You can still see what values are inside Camera Metadata / BRAW Default by clicking on the "Reset" buttons
- Global Presets can be transferred more easily from one computer to another by copy pasting BRAW Studio Global Preset files