BRAW Studio

BRAW Studio Blackmagic RAW Importer for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)


BRAW Studio - v1.9.0

  • Premiere Pro Panel :
    • New Feature : FCP .XML Correction - the best way to get a correct XML in order to grade in Resolve ! Without modifying Adobe timecode and without experiencing timeline shifts after footage relocation because of the Adobe timecode fix. Read our article for more information
    • Timecode Correction and Metadata Import are now two separates buttons, improved performances of Timecode Correction
    • Timecode Correction and Metadata Import : you don't need anymore to generate the thumbnail in the Project Panel before processing, all BRAW are ready to be processed at any time
    • Improved general appearance and design with clickable tabs
    • Compatible again with newest versions of PrPro (14.0.2 and onwards)
  • After Effects Layer Settings :
    • Fixed issues with Time Stretching and Time Remapping
    • Fixed issue with 8bpc when composition size was not the same than the .BRAW layer
    • Fixed memory leaks from version 1.8.2
  • BRAW Studio Installer is now independent from AfterCodecs. You can still download and install AfterCodecs from

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