BRAW Studio
BRAW Studio Blackmagic RAW Importer for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)

BRAW Studio - v1.8.1
- After Effects :
- Big performance improvements in BRAW Studio Layer Settings
- 32 bits support
- "Decode first frame only" checkbox in the Settings was removed, not useful anymore
- Avoid wrong message when loading a preset
- Global Presets in the Source Settings (PPro) / Layer Settings (AEfx) :
- New "Manage Preset" button in the UI (below the "Save Preset" button) to be able to rename your currently selected preset. Presets will be named "Untitled Preset" until you rename them yourself
- Total number of available presets is now 20 (was 10 before)
- New article on our website explaining how to make copy of them for your own custom use
- New Uninstaller (.exe on Windows / .pkg on macOS) in the "Uninstall Plugins" folder (so uninstall checkboxes from the installers were removed) You can also easily uninstall Blackmagic RAW plugins from there with the new checkbox "Uninstall Blackmagic Design Adobe Plugins" !
- Notarization for OSX 10.15 Catalina
- BRAW Studio plugins now have priority over Blackmagic Design's Blackmagic RAW plugin by default. If both are installed and you want to try out Blackmagic plugins you can lower BRAW Studio priority in our Settings Popup with one checkbox for Premiere Pro / Media Encoder and another checkbox for After Effects. MediaCore folder plugin was renamed "BRAW Studio" on Windows for that effect and BMD disable / uninstall buttons removed in the Settings & License popup.
- BRAW API 1.6 update
- Bug fixed : custom White Balance values weren't applied when loading a Preset or Sidecar in "Custom B"