AfterCodecs Fast Exporter for Adobe CC (After Effects, Premiere Pro and Media Encoder)

AfterCodecs - v1.10.8
- macOS : Full support for Apple silicon in After Effects 2022 v22.1 BETA. The encoding was already done in Apple silicon since v1.10.6 even when running in Intel mode, but now you can launch AEfx in Apple silicon mode and AfterCodecs will be properly loaded. More info here
- Premiere Pro MultiRender : now a new checkbox to enable only exporting Uniquely named markers, to ensure you are not going to export duplicated parts of your timeline (there is an Adobe bug that creates hidden duplicated markers sometimes). A new button in the PrPro Panel "Show Unique MultiRender Markers" will enable you to preview those markers to double check before exporting
- Added support for Influx licensing in our Settings and License popup. Influx Importer for Adobe will allow you to import various new formats and codecs into Premiere Pro, After Effects and Media Encoder (for example .MKV .FLAC etc.), more info here :